Wednesday, June 19 at 10am - 3708 Shrine Rd. Springfield, Ohio
Donald Burkepile
Large Public Auction
Located at 3708 Shrine Rd. Springfield, Ohio. Just south of Troy Rd./Rt. 41.
Wednesday, June 19 at 10am
* Trailers * Outboard Motors *
6' x 16' tandem axle trailer with drop ramp and 2' high sides, single axle enclosed trailer, outboards boat motors including Johnson 9.9hp, Johnson Seahorse 5hp, Mercury 6hp, Evinrude 4hp, & Mercury 3.3hp, boat gas cans, & boat accessories.
* Fishing * Gun Related Items * Duck Decoys * Tools *
Large amount of fishing including over 200 rods and reels, over 35 tackle boxes full of lures & tackle, case of Remington Express 28ga. 4 shot shotgun shells, ammo boxes, gun boxes & cases including Winchester model 12 box, large collection of high quality gun & knife books, other gun related items, knives, large collection of duck decoys of all kinds including wood decoys, double sided gun rack, lots of gun manufacturing advertising & paper goods, lots of hand tools, new in box antique H. Gerstner & Sons machinist tool box, tool boxes full all over the place, Rigid tripod & pipe benders, Honda generator, 4000 watt generator, other generators, reloader, deer mount, & so much more!
* Outstanding Antiques & Collectibles *
Super clean & nice Hoosier kitchen cabinet, antique pie safe, huge copper kettle, crocks & jugs, baseball & football cards including old Nolan Ryan & Joe Namath cards, antique lanterns & lamps, antique toys including tractors & IH die cast trucks, toy trains, Coca Cola items, lots of framed pictures wrapped up, old saddle, camel back trunk, small Tiger maple desk, belt buckles, display cabinets, showcases, boot spurs, antique Schwinn bike, dolls, Harley Davidson jacket, Aqua jet radio controlled boat, Eagle II metal detector, art glass, large safe, antique wood boxes, old antique oak box, Nascar race cars, Rivera amp, Bandmade TFL 5005D amp, & a ton more!
NOTE - Very large auction with 2 rings most of the auction. Only a partial listing. Donald Burkepile was a lifetime collector!
Terms - cash or check w/ proper I.D. Credit card w/ 4% convenience fee.
Owner - Donald Burkepile
Terms - cash or check w/ proper I.D. Credit card w/ 4% convenience fee.