Thursday, June 13 at 10am - 3752 Raymond Dr. Enon, Ohio

Thursday, June 13 at 10am - 3752 Raymond Dr. Enon, Ohio

Backus Estate

Public Auction


Located at 3752 Raymond Dr. Enon, Ohio. From Dayton-Springfield Rd. turn south on Raymond Dr.


Thursday, June 13 at 10am


* Riding Mowers * Tools * Lawn & Garden Tools * Fishing *


Like brand new Craftsman 17.5hp 42" cut riding mower, Poulan 14.5hp 38" cut riding mower, Lawn Boy push mower, Stihl FS38 weed eater, Stihl BG55 blower, Craftsman 2.5hp 20gal. air compressor, Craftsman 5hp snow blower, Craftsman stacking tool chest, hand tools, Craftsman power tools, New 4 gal. back pack pump sprayer, lawn & garden tools, wheel barrow, electric power washer, 15 nice rods & reels, fishing tackle, fish mounts, knives, moving carts, 2 safes, Werner ladder & others, shelving, shed packed full and more!


* Furniture * Household Goods *


Nice small writing desk, matching couch & love seat, recliner, bedroom suite complete, 10 gun upright gun case, Queen bed complete, other bedroom suite, small buffet, dining room table & 6 chairs, flower lamp, nice framed pictures, old kitchen cabinet bottom, chest freezer, kitchen utensils & appliances, cookware, knife set, glassware & dishes, Onieda set of silverware, Kirby sweepers, hens & rooster, & plus more good clean items! 


Terms - Cash or check w/ proper I.D. Credit card w/ 4% convenience fee.


Estate of  Robert A. Backus

Executor Mindy Backus

Attorney Sarah G. Worley

Clark Co. Probate Case#2024---- 

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